Monday, October 11, 2010

Updated Workshop Info

Mesa LDS Employment Resource Services
235 South El Dorado Circle, Mesa, AZ 85202
Office 480-829-8999, Fax 480-894-1786,
Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm, Tuesday 8 am – 8 pm

Professional Career Workshops (ERS Center), 2nd and the 3rd Saturday monthly, 8:30 am – 4pm. (First session
registration at 8:15 am.) This workshop helps professionals, managers and executives find or upgrade employment by using: Proven job search skills, providing available resources as well as building your own personal networking system. Dress Professionally. Please attend a resume class before the Professional Career Workshop. Pre-register at

Professional Networking Group (Mesa LDS Institute at MCC, 1310 S. Dobson Rd. Cultural Hall), 2nd and the 4th
Wednesday monthly, 6:30pm – 9pm. The objective of the program is to provide opportunities for career professionals to network with other career professionals, to meet employers and executive recruiters, to learn additional job search techniques and to practice skills taught in the Professional Career Workshop. The program will provide opportunities for career professionals to broaden their networking contacts through active participation with other career professionals. Come dressed Professionally and prepared to give your “Me in 30 Seconds” statement. Pre-register at

Career Workshops (ERS Center), 1st Wednesday and Thursday monthly 9 am – 1 pm, 2nd and the 3rd, Wednesday monthly, 6pm – 10pm. This workshop is designed to help you develop the skills required to achieve your career objectives. The four segments taught are: My Goals, My Resources, Interaction with Resources and Continued Success. Please call to register.

Self- Employment Workshop (ERS Center), 1st and the 2nd Tuesday monthly, 6pm – 9:30pm. Successful planning for small business is the purpose of this workshop. This is accomplished by introducing the participant to such subjects as: Business Success Cycle, Starting a Business, Business Plan, Financing, Taxes and much much more. (2 sessions) Please call the register.

Resume Writing Class (ERS Center), Every Tuesday 9am – 11am and the 3rd Tuesday monthly, 6pm – 8pm. The good, the bad and the ugly are examined in this workshop. The participant learns to describe his/her best qualities and attributes in 30 seconds while selling themselves in a manner which will attract employers.

Portfolio Class (ERS Center), 2nd Tuesday monthly, 6pm – 8pm. This class demonstrates the difference between “the Proof of the Portfolio vs. the Promises of the Résumé”. The portfolio is a 15 minute or less presentation in the interview proving to the employer that you can do what you say. A portfolio presentation properly prepared, rehearsed and presented almost always results in a job offer.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sunset West Home Inspections

Sunset West Home Inspections offers its customers a top of the line customized report that is written in a full narrative form and is delivered within 24 hours of the inspection. Our report includes a description of the home, along with digital colored pictures. The report also includes an Executive Summary with digital pictures for a quick and easy reference.

We are on call 7 days a week with a lock box key that allows easy access for your convenience.

Our Inspection Includes:
Foundation, floors, walks, columns, ceilings & roofs.
Wall claddings, flashings & trim, entry way doors, windows, garage
door operators, decks, balconies, steps, porches and railings.
Roof coverings, drainage systems, flashings, skylights, chimneys, and
roof penetrations.
Piping materials, fixtures, faucets, functional flow, leaks, cross connections,
DWV systems, functional drainage, water heater, chimneys, flues and vents,
and fuel storage.
Service entry conductors, service and grounding equipment, main
over-current devices, amperage and voltage compatibilities, lighting
fixtures, switches and receptacles, polarity and grounding of all
receptacles and ground fault circuit interrupters.
Heating equipment, normal operating controls, automatic safety
controls, chimneys, flues and vents, solid fuel heating devices,
distribution systems including fans, pumps, ducts, and piping
supports, dampers, insulation, air filters, registers, fan coil units, and
the presence of an installed heat source system in each room.
Central air conditioning to include cooling and air handling equipment,
normal operating controls, distribution systems including fans,
pumps, ducts and piping with supports, dampers, insulation, air
filters, register, fan coil units, and the presence of an installed cooling
source in each room.
Walls, ceilings, floors, steps, stairways, balconies and railings,
counter tops and cabinets, doors and windows, separation walls and
doors between dwelling and attached garage.
Insulation in unfinished spaces, ventilation of attics, foundation
areas, kitchen, bathroom, and laundry venting systems.

Should you have any question, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to earning your business.

Cliff V. Robinson
Owner / Operator
Sunset West Home Inspections, LLC.
Cell: 480-318-7480
Fax: 480-677-4676

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sterling Scorpion and Pest Control

Sterling Scorpion and Pest Control

A small company that cares Big about each and every customer and their pest control needs.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Census Jobs in Mesa

Census Taking Opportunity

US Census is now hiring in Mesa and your country needs your help!

The US Census is now recruiting in Mesa and your assistance is needed to assure an accurate count. Federal funding and representation is determined by the census. Please call 1-866-861-2010 or 480-270-8361 for more information on how you can help your community by becoming a census taker.

*Please note- The census is in desperate need of applicants who live in downtown and central Mesa. Do not apply online! Please call the number above! **